Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I suck at blogs, but here is what has happened lately...

Well, the past few days have been quite a blur.

Last Thursday(5-19-11), I found out that I was FINALLY pregnant!
I was so excited! I told Josh with a onesie that said "My dad is out of this world". I also told my Mom that night with a picture frame that had the sweetest  poem in it!

Things were going great that day, up until Sunday. I woke up Sunday morning cramping. I started spotting heavily.

Monday morning I woke up and was bleeding. My regular OBGYN was out of town, so I went to a different one(Who I am sticking with because he is awesomesauce). He did a trans-vaginal ultrasound, and saw a gestational sac measuring at 4w4d. Right on track with where I thought I was. He sent me for a beta draw right after.

Well, here it is Tuesday evening, and I am still bleeding(doesn't seem to be as bad, but yeah, still there). I got my first beta today, it was a 13....not too great.

Of course, we can't say that this will be a viable pregnancy until tomorrow's second beta and my next u/s on Thursday. This sucks. Beta Hell sucks.

So, I am/was/still/maybe/possibly pregnant. I honestly don't feel like this will turn out good, and I am okay with that. Honestly. I feel better knowing that I AM able to get pregnant, even if this time wasn't the right time. I will update Thursday after my appointment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're having a ruff start. I'm praying that everything comes back good! Please keep us updated.

